Executive Search.

"Genius is one per cent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration." - Thomas Edison 1932

our proprietary interview methodology Is Second to none.

At WMB Partners, our proprietary interview methodology allows us to identify and match your company with the right transformational executive.

Our talents go beyond industry knowledge. We can see your company’s future and lead you there.

Anyone can match a skillset.
We take it further.

We dig deep to discover the underlying needs within your company, then find the change-enacting executive you need to make your next big move.

We work with top-talent executives to help your unique ecosystem flourish, whether you’re headquartered in the same city or staffing satellite offices around the globe.

WMB is a place of nurturing and development where professionals awaken.

We’ve been there. We’ve done it. We understand it. We deliver it.

Employment success isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy.

Employment success isn’t a one-size-fits-all strategy. It involves understanding our candidates as well as our corporate partners (like you).

Our proprietary interview methodology involves extensive screening, search and in-depth interviews, allowing us to gain a complete understanding of not only our executive candidates, but also the underlying challenges your company is ready to solve.

your strategic vision.

We know what the right candidate brings to the table and it’s more than their experience.

Our emotional intelligence aligns with the role and culture, we’re in sync with your strategic vision, and they’re motivated to bring about the change you need to experience the business success you crave.

Our experience crosses borders and cultures. We leverage relationships around the globe and use our network to YOUR advantage.

The WMB Approach.

Niche Knowledge &
Know How.

With such specialised knowledge in financial markets and with PE/VC backed companies, we can advise from a position of experience and expertise having been there and done it many times before.


With cross cultural understanding at our core, we partner with diverse businesses, providing a diverse list of candidates in diverse geographies, celebrating different cultures.

Under the Hood Understanding.

We don’t just identify surface needs and get to work. We go deep on understanding the needs of our clients and candidates to ensure we fully deliver on their needs.


Our boutique approach allows us to deliver personable service with laser precision without the headaches of dealing with a large corporate machine.

Professional candidates are:

  • Executives we unconditionally trust
  • Entrepreneurial in mindset: they nurture your business like it’s their own
  • Results-driven with a proven record of strong execution

And yet, the unique mix of talent, traits and skills will look different for each company. We find that balance.

We know the right fit for your company might be thousands of miles away or just down the street.

We Are....

We are committed to providing value nothing below your highest expectations.

We promise to always involve our partners in each stage of the search process.

We commit to always remaining accountable for finding the best suited executive for every role we take on.

Our commitment to maximizing value for both our candidates and clients is unwavering.

We promise to never present a candidate without at least two members of our team previously interviewing them thoroughly with in-depth conversations.

Our Industries.

Our team offers over 100 years of collective executive experience across many different industries, functions and cultures, including:
Financial Services
Consumer Banking
Investment Banking
Durable Goods
Consumer Goods
Auto Parts
North Africa
Middle East